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00:00:00 - Introductions

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Partial Transcript: David Cline: So, today is April 22, 2016. This is David Cline from the History Department of Virginia Tech for the VT Stories Oral History Project. And I've got some special guests with me today. So if you could introduce yourself for the tape that would be wonderful.

Segment Synopsis: Interviewees and Virginia Tech alumni Tara Fortune, Jeryl Payne, Catherine Pereras, and Emily Haynes Cooper introduce themselves. They state their home towns, college majors, and graduation years.

00:01:46 - Making Friends

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Partial Transcript: David: So, usually when I do an interview like this, I start by asking the person to talk through their whole lives and we would eventually get to [Virginia] Tech. But, I don't want to do that today. What I want to do is start with how you all know each other. [Laughter]. So, I just want to jump right into it.

Catherine: That's a good story.

Segment Synopsis: Virginia Tech alumni Tara Fortune, Jeryl Payne, Catherine Pereras, and Emily Haynes Cooper remember how they met and became lifelong friends.

Keywords: Virginia Tech; alumni

Subjects: African Americans; Black freshman preview weekend; college life; dorms

00:04:34 - Lives Before Virginia Tech

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Partial Transcript: David: So, let's stay with you, Jeryl. If you could tell us a little bit, for the record, about your growing up. So where you were born and about your childhood and--I know we will go through that rather quickly--how you ended up in Blacksburg at Virginia Tech.
Jeryl: Okay. Well it all started on a farm. [Laughter] No, I'm sorry.

Segment Synopsis: Virginia Tech alumni Tara Fortune, Jeryl Payne, Catherine Pereras, and Emily Haynes Cooper recall their childhoods and how they came to Virginia Tech.

Keywords: Virginia Tech; alumni

Subjects: Black student weekend

00:14:30 - First Year at Virginia Tech

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Partial Transcript: Catherine: This is Catherine. I think that when you get here, it's really hard to find a situation where you have a family support. And you kind of have to find that with people who live in your dorm, and there's not very many of us. When I say us, there's not very many Black students, minority students. And then at that, it's hard to be able to find people that you gel with. And so when you find that, then you're very lucky and you'll stay. But that first year you're already like, God. How do I get adjusted to the classes? Especially for all of us, we were good students.

Keywords: Virginia Tech; alumni

Subjects: African Americans; black student life; freshman

00:22:13 - Campus Involvement

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Partial Transcript: David: You mentioned that program that was there to assist freshmen, so that was some help. But what other kinds of support or social outlets or organizations were there that helped you sort of get by or find your people?

Segment Synopsis: Virginia Tech alumni Tara Fortune, Jeryl Payne, Catherine Pereras, and Emily Haynes Cooper talk about campus involvement and social activities on campus.

Keywords: Virginia Tech; alumni

Subjects: African Americans; Catholic Community; Filipino American Student Association; Glenn Valentine; National Society of Black Engineers; black study groups; student life

00:28:13 - Challenges for Minority Students

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Partial Transcript: David: Can I ask about the challenges of being at a majority white institution?

Jeryl: How much time do we have? [Laughter].

David: I just give you the easy ones.

Catherine: So this is funny. This is Kay [Catherine]. We, now long has it been? Twenty-four or twenty-five years since we've been here?

Tara: Something like that.

Catherine: When we were here we saw some pretty historical things that actually happened while we were in Blacksburg. I will never get the KKK.

Segment Synopsis: Virginia Tech alumni discuss their experiences as minority students at Virginia Tech, including the impact of national events and local Klan activity in Blacksburg. They share thoughts on the need for diversity at Virginia Tech.

Keywords: Virginia Tech; alumni

Subjects: Ku Klux Klan; O. J. Simpson trial; Rodney King Rally

00:37:19 - Hopes for Virginia Tech

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Partial Transcript: David: Just going back for a second to where [Virginia] Tech is now and where [Virginia] Tech's at, what do you think [Virginia] Tech can do, should do better? I know that's huge but...

Emily: This is Emily. First of all, they have to be active and vocal. For example, the gentleman who just came that was sponsored by Pamplin College of Business, you know. Once you found out that this man has written things espousing his hate to still support him coming, what does that say to the Black students and to other multicultural students? It says on paper we say we care, but really we don't.

Segment Synopsis: Virginia Tech alumni discuss changes they would like to see in Virginia Tech, particularly in diversity initiatives and student funding.

Keywords: Virginia Tech; alumni

Subjects: Multicultural Alumni Advisory Board; campus diversity; scholarships

00:51:47 - Life after Virginia Tech

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Partial Transcript: David: So, we've talked mostly about [Virginia] Tech, obviously, but can you each tell me a little bit about your life since [Virginia] Tech, your careers? And you connect it to [Virginia] Tech if [Virginia] Tech has played a role in any particular way in that. Whoever wants to go first.

Emily: Okay. They are saying that. Why should I go first?

Catherine: Emily has the success story, and Jeryl has a very good success story.

Jeryl: Kay, we all have a good success story. What are you talking about?

Segment Synopsis: Virginia Tech alumni discuss their education and careers after graduating from Virginia Tech.

Keywords: Virginia Tech; alumni

Subjects: Donning of the Kente; alumni band; alumni careers; graduation

01:05:20 - Minority Student Retention

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Partial Transcript: Catherine: Can I just say one last thing? This is Kay.

David: Please.

Catherine: The only thing that I would like to see is, I mentioned at the beginning that there have been other people who have been part of this circle. And sometimes we saw people who were not necessarily, like Shayna, your first roommate graduated. You know I want to see Virginia Tech do a better job of retaining the minority students. I just want to go on record in saying that because again, if the other minority students that we were friends with didn't have or couldn't find that same thing that we found, it was hard. They left.

Segment Synopsis: Virginia Tech alumni Catherine Pereras shares her wish for Virginia Tech to increase efforts to retain minority students and build diverse communities for students.

Keywords: Virginia Tech; alumni

Subjects: diversity; minority students; student retention