Ren Harman: I have some questions and it's very conversational. I'll do a
little housekeeping at the top and we'll get started. Sound good?
Bob Bates: Yeah, I'm ready.
Ren: Good afternoon. This is Ren Harman, the project director for VT Stories.
Today is
00:01:00October 2, 2017 at about 2:07 PM. We are in the Alumni Library in theHoltzman Alumni Center on the campus of Virginia Tech with a very special guest
with us today. This is the only time that I will prompt you, if you could just
say in a complete sentence my name is, when you were born, and where you were born.
Bob: My name is Robert C. Bates and I was born in Portland, Oregon. My birth
date is March 8, 1944.
Ren: Thank you. If you can just talk a little bit about growing up and your
early life.
Bob: Well, I was the youngest of four children, two brothers and one sister, so
of course I was always accused of being the favorite because I was the youngest
and I got away with a lot of things that the others didn't, because my parents
were worn out by the time I came along.
00:02:00Of course none of that is true.[Chuckles] Anyway, but it was a community kind of in Portland, Oregon but not
too far out. We were close to a college that had moved from a different part of
the state to a private Presbyterian college just up the hill from that, and so
people were building houses and moving into that area. I think we had a very
good childhood. The yards were bigger and we had neighbors and a lot of kids of
similar ages, and so we would play together and so forth. There were little
streams and we would do things, stop them up and make dams.
00:03:00Anyway, we had I think a very good...good schools, typically you would ride theschool bus to go, but we weren't very far from the school that I attended for
kindergarten through 8th grade. Then in high school we went to a brand new high
school back then, which of course was brand new 55 years ago or something, and
it was a very large, the other schools were small, but the high school was very
large like 3,000 students. And so there were so many students in my class that I
didn't know. A lot of them I didn't even recognize for walking across the stage.
And I can go and tell you my sort of educational tract. Would that be helpful at
00:04:00this point?Ren: Yeah, we will get to it in just a second. I want to ask you a little bit
about your mother and father.
Bob: Okay.
Ren: What did they do for work?
Bob: My mother was a schoolteacher and she taught school, but then she was a
substitute teacher for some of the time. My father worked for the U.S.
Government. Both of my parents went to college in the 20...the early... Both had
college degrees. They went to a private college in Minnesota until my dad
transferred to the University of Minnesota and got into agriculture, and his
background was in agriculture.
Ren: What role did education play in your home?
Bob: A lot. That was absolutely
00:05:00mandatory. There was always an expectation, andof course for the kids, my oldest brother became a dentist and went on that way.
My other brother went into teaching. My sister was a nurse, and so everybody had
advanced education, so that was a high priority obviously for my parents, you
can tell.
Ren: Sure. I'm the youngest of five and you're the youngest of four children.
What was your relationship like with your siblings growing up?
Bob: We got along really well. My two brothers would be wrestling me all the
time. [Chuckles] But it was a good positive kind of relationship and supportive
00:06:00ways that needed to be at times, and so I think that was very good.And my parents were married for 60 years or 70 years before they died, and my
wife and I are 48 years now and we have children.
Ren: Time flies doesn't it?
Bob: Yeah.
Ren: So you mentioned your education tract, when did you first start thinking
about college? You graduated from Louis & Clark College in Portland in 1966?
Bob: Yeah.
Ren: With a degree in?
Bob: Biology.
Ren: So when did you first start thinking about college and kind of how did
Louis & Clark and the major of biology come into the equation?
Bob: Well, we always knew we were going to go to college, so that was...
Ren: There was no other option.
Bob: There was no other option. That was basically it, and that was not know, for our parents
00:07:00to pay for us to go to college, but it wasstill a priority. I really liked biology in high school as well, so I was a
biology major and I knew I was going to be a biology major when I went to
college. I had a lot of good opportunity when I went to college learning how to
do some research and so forth. In a smaller private college you actually get
some good opportunities to do things that you might not earlier in your career
to do in larger universities, so it was a very good experience. They had a study
abroad program that was fairly new, so in my first semester I went to Japan and
I continued to
00:08:00have a lifelong relationship with the family I stayed during thattime in Japan, so I feel like I was blessed in many different ways in a college experience.
Ren: Maybe you can talk a little bit about Louis & Clark College for maybe those
who don't know a whole lot about it.
Bob: It's largely a small liberal arts college. The total student body is around
3,000, and so fairly small classes, 500 or in that range. That doesn't add up to
3,000, but anyways it's of that size and it's residential. Because I lived just
down the street from that college I walked up to college and so forth, and so
maybe didn't have a little bit of that going away to
00:09:00the dormitory, but I spentmost of my time on campus anyway in study groups.
It was a really good learning environment, and like I said, the opportunity to
try to learn about some research and things like that. That as you will hear
from the other things that we say that was an important opportunity.
Ren: When you were majoring in biology as an undergrad at Louis & Clark what
were your aspirations after graduation?
Bob: Well I didn't know exactly where I would go. I had some consideration that
maybe I would go to medical college or something like that, but I didn't go in
that direction. But what I did do and found out that as a subset of biology I
got very interested about
00:10:00microbiology. Actually the little experiments that twoof us kind of worked on them together, two students, but were microbiological
kind of experiments. You know, very simple kinds of things, but I was learning
how to do it. And that faculty member in that small college was absolutely
excellent. I have high respect for him, and most of the faculty in their
disciplines were really good. That's sort of put me on the... Well what was I
going to do with that? Then I thought I probably ought to go to graduate school,
some kind of microbiology, so I applied and got selected to go to Washington
State University in Pullman, Washington, which is in the eastern part of the
00:11:00State. The department was actually called Bacteriology and Public Health at thetime, but it was microbiology.
And then to tell you how this moves on, then I was interested in microbiology,
but then I learned about viruses, and well, I wanted to know more about that.
Virology was not a strong part of their overall programs, but certainly you were
introduced to all of that. So I applied to go to Colorado State University.
These are all, rather than college this is all n the land grant system of
colleges that are, so that's
00:12:00how I got to Colorado State for my PhD.That was a four-year program. I worked actually and did my research in the lab
of somebody who was actually a veterinarian, a PhD, but veterinarian and he is
in research rather than taking care of dogs in a clinic, and I learned a lot
there. So that really led me on to where I was going and so forth.
Ren: I want to ask you, as someone with a bachelor's degree in biology I always
enjoyed the microbiology classes when I was here the most. I want to ask you
what the state of microbiology was in the late 60s, in the early 1970s.
Bob: Well, back that early you didn't have [restriction] enzymes. You didn't
have gene cloning and
00:13:00some of those things that became available and so forth.When I finished my PhD we didn't have any of that kind of hands-on. We were
doing though more of a different kind of, in this case virology and virology
work, and it was more applied. But during that time I got very interested in
molecular biology and a little different than what my advisor was doing, so when
I became a faculty member I knew that I wanted to go in a different direction,
but I learned a lot about viruses and virology during that PhD time. And then of
course so many opportunities and things to do with viruses and study
00:14:00 wasincredible as it came along.
Ren: Right. When you graduated with your master's degree in Bacteriology and
Public Health from Washington State in 1969, something else happened when you
were at Washington State; you met your wife.
Bob: I met my wife, that's right.
Ren: Can you tell us how you guys met?
Bob: She was an undergraduate so she was already in her third year when I came
to do my master's, so I met her in our third year. Actually it was kind of later
in that third year, so we started to spend some time together and so forth,
mostly in her fourth year and my second year. By the time we got to the end of
that I already had applied to go to Colorado State and got selected and
00:15:00she wasfinishing her degree.
And we weren't quite there yet, but hers was in education, so she went home to
Tacoma in Renton, part of Tacoma, and taught school, elementary. So my first
year I was in Colorado she was in--but by Christmas time of that year we said...
Ren: No more long distance.
Bob: Yeah. So she finished her year and we got married that June and pulled a
big trailer out to Colorado State and then she taught school in the local school
district for three years while I worked on my PhD, and went back to lab at night
and she would grade papers. [Chuckles] But
00:16:00no children at that time, so it wastotally focused on my degree.
Ren: In 1972 you graduated with a doctorate in microbiology with a specialty in
virology from Colorado State as you mentioned. You were married at this point I guess.
Bob: Yeah.
Ren: How did, and why we're here, how did Virginia Tech come into the picture?
Bob: Yeah, that's very interesting. You know, I had never heard of...I knew
there was a State of Virginia, but certainly never heard anything about the
state and certainly never heard of Blacksburg. But in microbiology it's a little
different than, somewhat a little different than the way things are now. But you
would go to the national meetings, these national meetings, like many thousands
00:17:00from all the microbiologists from around the whole country. But those wereopportunities to also look for in my case faculty positions. And you know the
different colleges and universities were looking for sometimes not narrowly a
certain kind of microbiology that the person had focused on but more broadly. So
I interviewed for some open positions at the meetings and one was in
microbiology. Well you know, just looking to get a job and it turned out I got
an offer for Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia, and never heard of all that
but I said well I better go to interview.
00:18:00Then you go to interview on campus andso forth.
Ren: Let me ask you about the first time you stepped on campus when you were
doing your interview for your job, do you remember what it looked like, how you
felt? Can you go back to that day? Can you remember?
Bob: It was very receptive and of course if they were wanting to hire you they
were on their best behavior, so it was great. I remember talking with everybody
and all that. They have a big party for you and all the faculty there. It's just
for all the interviews and stuff like that. It was really great and I thought
this is a really good opportunity and certainly I never expected to go that far
00:19:00or what, but yeah, it was pretty exciting. And it was on an institutionthat was still pretty much all-male military, so that was kind of unique.
Obviously, it was changing and starting to change in the 60s, but yeah, it was
very interesting. [Laughs]
Ren: So you picked up and moved from Colorado to Virginia and I guess you
started in the fall of 1972.
Bob: Right.
Ren: What was the campus like in 1972? Definitely a time of change in our
national kind of history and what was going on, but what was Blacksburg and
Virginia Tech like at that time?
Bob: Well you know it was quite a bit smaller. It was beginning to change as I
00:20:00said. There was more, T. Marshall Hahn was President and it was getting fartheralong, but he was the one who broadened, you know, taking away more of the focus
only on a technical, the arts and sciences, other disciplines. Not that there
wasn't some of that, but it was more balanced in terms of so that would
obviously draw more students who wanted to go, undergraduate students for
example, because they could go into sociology or other things. And some of that
was already there, but much more broader. And the land grants, all of the land
grants were really that way and became more generalized I guess if you want to
00:21:00 say.I think that was good, but it was a little bit of a surprise. Not that I had
been at any other university, except from the standpoint of where I got my PhD,
and so I was focused on my work and my area, not looking across the entire, but
universities pretty much like that.
Ren: As you start this new career at this new university you are a tenure track,
and then what was that process like and being at this university and doing
research and teaching classes I'm sure, what was that experience like?
Bob: Kind of scary in a way. I mean it's not scary scary, but it's like well,
you know, and the research university, the expectation is that you're going to
be doing research and whatever your interest is, whatever first for
00:22:00others thatare doing that kind of research, so you need to get on with it. And you learn
very quickly that if you are going to be successful in actually carrying out
your research a lot of that research with your guidance is done by the graduate
students. And so you know, I got a student right on who was going to work on
their doctoral program in my lab, and I was pretty early to take on a doctoral
level student, but she had her interests and they aligned with what kind of
research I was interested in and so forth, which actually turned out to be very
helpful. But there were times when they thought that I was too new as a faculty
member to be guiding doctoral
00:23:00research and degree students, but I think that's abunch of crap myself obviously. And so we got started and then the biggest issue
was to be able to do anything in research there usually requires some funding
available to actually do it and so forth. That was the hard part in getting that
lined up.
Where we got most successful was collaborating with another faculty member who
had different skills and so forth that meshed but wasn't exactly what I do. And
then when we did that we just flew. I mean it was great.
Ren: So even in the early 1970s there was some kind of interdisciplinary work almost.
Bob: Yeah, certainly
00:24:00more... It was beginning to be more like that, yeah,absolutely. A lot of programs, depending on what they're working on and so
forth, they could be quite integrated, people working on different parts of the
same thing and so forth. So there was much more collaboration like that, which
actually was good.
Ren: So during your time as a faculty member trying to achieve that illustrious
goal of tenure you started a family, correct?
Bob: Yeah.
Ren: How was balancing life and family and three children, difficult balancing
an academic career, having children?
Bob: Three children in five years.
Ren: Wow, okay.
Bob: The first was a girl and then a boy and then a girl,
00:25:00so the range was 5years from there to there, all wonderful young people that have gone on to be
successful in all their work. But my wife who had of course been teaching and
all that, stayed home until the third one was in like about third grade. She did
some part-time stuff and then after that she went back to full-time teaching in
the local...well, Price's Fork first and then Kipps after that.
Ren: That's where my kids go.
Bob: K-2, but it was mostly K-1. In fact, one of her co-teachers and her
husband, much younger than her, we went by and saw them
00:26:00on our way here.Ren: That's wonderful.
Bob: Yeah, it was interesting.
Ren: Three kids in five years, that's a heavy lift.
Bob: And one car, but that had to change fairly quickly.
Ren: So you spent the better part of 20 years as kind of a faculty member. And
correct me if I'm wrong on any of my dates here, 1994, is that when you were
appointed the dean?
Bob: Well not exactly.
Ren: So walk through maybe that timeline.
Bob: So there were, I guess about the first 13 years, and by the end of the time
I got to the 12th year, but around that time I was a full professor and so I
moved up through the ranks and so forth.
00:27:00as I said, I had a pretty good program and a lot of activities going on inthe lab and all of that. I spent a lot of time evenings and weekends working on
experiments and things like that, so that was a burping point to some extent.
[Laughs] I can't remember exactly, I guess there was an opening in the dean's
office and the dean's office was in the same building where all the biology and
geology and so forth was in.
Ren: This is Derring?
Bob: Derring, yeah. And of course back then it was a new building. It's not so
new now, but anyway, so we were in that building. I think it was the associate
dean's position for
00:28:00research and graduate education, so that's on an associatelevel. Obviously it was a very big college, so you are associate dean for all of
the programs for research. And so I thought well maybe I would want to do that.
And so I gradually slipped in to these roles, because I was still in the same
building and I continued at a 2X or maybe 1.5 kind of life, so I did that, but I
still had my lab going. I cut back a little bit on the teaching, but I pretty
much was still doing everything at the beginning. So
00:29:00I was associate dean forabout six years I think it was, six or seven years.
And along the way I also had the responsibility for facilities, and arts and
sciences was in 17 locations around campus, so I actually spent a lot of time on
issues around that. But you know, I kind of liked it and because I had some
senior people by that time in the lab beyond he students working on our research
and so forth it could still work. So I did that for a long time and then by the
time the dean was finished at the time I thought well, maybe I'll run to be the
dean and got selected.
But still, we were still in Derring
00:30:00Hall and I got selected for that. I wasstill stupid enough to think that I could still teach my one major course, about
125 students, so popular, 125 students in it. I no longer did the...I was always
in the labs even though we had GTAs in the labs. I was very engaged in all
aspects of it.
Ren: Yeah, wearing a lot of hats.
Bob: Yeah, and loved to work with the students. We just had a great time. So
eventually I had to give up the teaching thing because there were times I had to
be in a meeting or whatever and 125 people you couldn't tell them we'll meet
another day or whatever. And I also had graduate courses, but I had already
gotten rid of those, and those you didn't move around because with 10 or 9
people in there you
00:31:00could say, "We could meet on this day." So gradually I hadto give up some of those things and then I was full-time focused on that.
Ren: So at the time the college was the College of Arts & Sciences, correct.
Bob: Right.
Ren: What kind of changed, so it's obviously the College of Science now, what
was kind of the history behind the name change and this split?
Bob: The College of Arts & Sciences had as I mentioned like 25 departments. We
had ROTC, three leaders of that in our college. We had a lot of different
things. Computer science was in the college. We eventually inherited Econ from
business so had a lot of different kinds of things in the
00:32:00college. And then wekind of had five pods of the things that would kind of go together, but we never
had a leader over those, but they did some things together and that's why we did
that. A lot of places would not have it that way. They would do it differently,
that had more [curly] subsets. Anyway, that's the way it was so there was always
stuff to do, issues to deal with and various things. But in other ways I think
faculty, you know, when there were issues on the teaching isn't as good in this
area or whatever else, people would really get onto it.
I will say this on
00:33:00here, that by the time I was done as dean some of the othercolleges were talking to me about how did you improve that, or what did you do,
even in engineering. So I felt good about what we did, that we would have a
quality education in all these disciplines, so anyway, it was interesting. But,
well, as you know, things change.
Ren: In 2002 you left to be the provost right, at Washington State.
Bob: Right.
Ren: I want to get back to Virginia Tech stuff, but I want to ask was that a
hard decision?
Bob: Yes, it was. When we got
00:34:00married my wife had never really been out of theState of Washington of course until we got married and then we were in Colorado.
We had nobody and still have nobody in this area. Everybody was either in Oregon
for me or Washington State for her.
Ren: Pacific northwest.
Bob: I told her, "We'll go here for a few years." She says three years, I say a
few, and well we didn't. We stayed and stayed and raised our family and got
involved. In those fields like that you don't just kind of like, "I would rather
be at Oregon State," or something like that because you're in a specialty by the
time you get down to that level, and so it didn't happen. I guess I'm going to
that until my
00:35:0017th year and by then I figured well, I don't think we're probablyleaving and going anywhere. Not that it changed really anything, but it was
always that we will go eventually, then when it wasn't in a short time, and you
know, by then this is where our life was. This is where our family was and all
of our relatives on the west coast came for all the graduations and the kids and
all those things, and so we still kept contact at some level. So we got that
point and I was dean and Washington State decided that they wanted to... I
didn't go, in fact I turned them down a couple of times and finally they kept
after me and said, "We would really like you to come be provost," which is
typically sort of stepping stone way that people
00:36:00 do.They sometimes end up being provost of their own institution, but usually not.
So we went out and interviewed and all that, and we sat there the night after
the interview and they were more than ready to offer it to me. We ate some
dinner in Spokane, Washington before we flew back and I said, "Well, what do you
think?" and she cried. [Chuckles] You know, it wasn't like we ever thought we
would go or would want to go or anything else, but by then you know we were
there. So she stopped the school teaching at Christmastime in December and we
packed up and were out of town in three weeks and there we were.
Ren: Wow. In Spokane.
Bob: You never know.
Ren: You never know.
Bob: And I think still in the end I think probably it was still a good move, but
we could
00:37:00have also been here forever and still here. We liked it very much here.We liked everything about it.
Ren: How long were you at Washington State for?
Bob: So I was there another, it was almost 30 years here and it was about
another 131/2 years I think. And I was provost for not quite eight of that years
and then sometimes when you get a new president they want a different provost,
very typical. So I wasn't quite ready to be done and so I decided I would go to
the Vancouver, Washington campus right across from Portland on one of our
younger campuses and help them out down there basically with research and things
00:38:00like that for a year or two. Six years later I finally retired. [Laughs]Ren: Wow. That's wonderful. I want to ask you, your time at Virginia Tech as a
professor, as an associate dean, a dean, teaching classes, probably interacting
with thousands of students and hundreds of faculty, what were some of your
favorite memories or experiences that you can remember? I'm sure there's a lot,
but is there a few that really stick out in your mind?
Bob: I think at that point I was a dean, when I was a dean you couldn't
determine how many... It was not very precise. I think it's much better precise
now, but three weeks before the fall semester started there were 600
00:39:00 moreincoming students than we planned on, and so we had to work really hard to put
on more courses and things like that.
And you know just people, faculty of course weren't happy about that, but put a
little group together and said we've got to solve this problem. We can't have
these students starting and have no classes. I mean some of those challenges,
but also where it's problematic like that and the faculty don't like it, but
they step up to the plate. So I think things like that were rewarding and
refreshing. Of course they wanted more money for their department than we could
probably give them, but they would take it up.
00:40:00I think also to see them educatestudents in the different disciplines. When there were complaints that they
didn't feel like the students were prepared in the math area, particularly
engineering didn't say, "Well these kids aren't prepared to go on to the next
steps and doing a good job and all that," well you know, that's always been an
issue for mathematics. So we called their bluff in a way, they are saying that
we're not doing a good job of teaching them in math, so we said, "Well, if you
can do some math areas better than somebody else
00:41:00then send some teachers over,"and they did. I don't think it was really necessary. But they also found out
that yeah, that goes way down the line in being prepared as you move through the
mathematic complexity and so forth, and so those kinds of things.
I think as a rank in file faculty member and so forth I think it was pretty
good. I think people worked hard and there wasn't a lot of back-biting about
someone not pulling their load very much. Yeah, it's some of that, but I think
they did a good job.
Ren: Kind of the reverse of that question, difficult experiences or hard times
through your many years here. Any ones that really stick out in your mind?
00:42:00I think you know, it's always difficult when some faculty are notperforming adequately and so forth and they have their evaluations each year and
so forth. They can get rather ugly and mean, and so I knew that in my own
department. But then when you're over the responsibility for all of them and
their progression in moving up through associate and full professor level, which
they all aspire to, you know to kind of counsel some of those people and then
when they go along farther and kind of drop of out doing research and then
having to say, "Well you're going to have to teach more sections or you're going
to have to carry more of a teaching load." But
00:43:00we learned in that in that forsome of those people they fell out of doing research. But the issue was then I
had to do more of the teaching, but you had to reward them, not punish them. So
they always felt like they chastised in all of that. It was a realty, and it was
a reality that had to work out in a different way, but then give them
recognition, because many of those people were really really good teachers. Make
them feel good that they are making their contribution. And I knew that of
course with my own department, but then when I got at the level for the entire
college those could be difficult, and they could be pretty ugly about it.
Ren: Yeah, I'm sure.
Bob: They feel like they're being spanked
00:44:00and all this kind of stuff. They'renot getting the salary increases that the others are, those kinds of things.
Ren: Yeah, very tribal I guess you could say.
Bob: Now there are issues that go beyond unfortunately, and that's really hard.
Ren: This is a question that you may be able to answer in a few words or a
sentence, but if someone kind of simply says the words Virginia Tech what's the
first thing you think of?
Bob: Actually Virginia Tech has gotten quite a reputation, and I think that...
Well, two answers to that, because it's called Virginia Tech it sounds like it's
not as broad a
00:45:00university as [Georgia Tech]--And to some extent that was true but that's not so much anymore. And there are
strong programs and so forth in many disciplines that are beyond the traditional
core common disciplines. And I think you know, Virginia Tech, and one of the
reasons that the name was changed, it went from VPI to, how did it go? Anyway,
it included the liberal arts areas and then it was just too long and nobody
wanted to say it anymore, and the football of course wanted to have something
crisper than that.
00:46:00Anyway, it became Virginia Tech but on a lot of the paperworkand everything it was Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, but
that's such a mouthful.
But you know, at some point, you know our engineering program and all are really
strong. When people begin to know that they don't care so much about that, but
that was a hard transition to try to have that identity that we're a complete
university and not just a technical college. I had forgotten all about that as
the years went by. That was very sensitive for the people who were in the other
disciplines, not to be
00:47:00known that there could be strong programs in their areasand therefore the name worked some point that it doesn't work
against us.
Ren: Both during your time here and when you were at Washington State what
changes did you kind of see over time? You kind of alluded to that a little bit
just now, but what were some changes that you've seen both in terms of campus
size and growth, but also as someone who was really kind of in the mixture of
this growth, and what do you think about some of those changes?
Bob: Well, I think that the idea of it being a larger institution, but if we're
turning away students, and we do, that are well-qualified
00:48:00to come and so forth,maybe that's okay.
And most of the large land grant universities are quite large, and so that's
maybe not a surprise. But kind of moving in that direction is not easy either,
and the funding, state funding and all of that, you don't want tuition and
everything to be too expensive. So how do you manage that as well as you can?
Facilities are always an issue, and as you can see there are a lot, in the time
that we left from 2002 an incredible amount of new structure building, and then
00:49:00as I've been here people are talking about, "Well we don't have enough space forthis program" or "We don't have enough space for that program," and that's an
issue. But they have also...
Ren: Do you think that's an issue at other universities as well?
Bob: Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. And certainly at Pullman at Washington State
University, basically the same issues, because that institution hasn't grown as
fast, but is going through another real spurt, because it was a fairly small
land grant institution and partly because of the location. But it's now a very
sought-after college for in-state students and University of Washington, of
course it's usually about [45,000] students or whatever. It's really
00:50:00big. I meanyou are really anonymous there. One of the issues, you don't want to be so big,
and the other thing is that students if they want to get a chance to do some
undergraduate research there isn't that opportunity. So I would hate to see us
grow beyond that, that the best majority of the students are going through the
process of education and rather having these other opportunities in that. And
we're not past that, but I would worry a little bit, and that doesn't mean that
you have to have a lot more facilities, you would lose it in other ways. So I
think there is probably a good limiting size somewhere and maybe we're there and
maybe we're not.
Ren: What advice would you
00:51:00have for the current Dean of College of Science I'vehad the chance to meet, and maybe some other university leaders? What advice
would you have as someone who started here in 1972 and was here for many years?
What bit of advice would you share with them and maybe you have shared?
Bob: Well, they are doing what I think is very good. The program degrees or
sub-degrees were pretty static and kind of narrow in concept, and they are not
necessarily educating us in the way that the trends and society needs for their
programs. They are coming up with a different education model really and some of
those are being put in place that
00:52:00really make a lot of sense. So I think theyare doing it, but reinventing yourself, I think could get very static in a lot
of places. I mean there are certain part of the core disciplines that aren't
going to change much, but there are some aspects of that that have to be
different and they are doing that. Because I kind of fall when I see the...I get
all... You know how all the stuff...
Ren: Yeah. No worries.
Bob: Yeah, right.
Ren: This is maybe a bit of a personal question, but what would you like people
to know about you?
Bob: I'm a collaborator. I don't need to have to take all of the praise or
whatever. I
00:53:00just need to see that we do a good job and get the job done. I'm nota prima donna, and when I was a researcher and all that kind of stuff we did it
together. And sure, you're still maybe the boss in one sense, but you can't do
what you're going to do unless you're collaborators with each other, and
internally slowly in your area of research, but beyond that. And you don't need
to always have to take all the praise, because if it's appropriate you'll get
the praise, but there's some people that don't work that way and that's not
good. In the end you don't advance in the way that you
00:54:00 want.Ren: Can you talk a little bit about OWLS? Are you a member of that group?
Bob: No, I'm not.
Ren: You're not? Okay. I thought you were, my bad.
Bob: Well, I mean if we of course were still living in the area I would have.
Even for the deans thing, this is the one time I get to do it on Tuesday when
we're here. We had been planning to come back every year for a visit and so
forth, and I wanted to do it when I could also do that, and so we'll get to do
that tomorrow.
Ren: Did you come back to Blacksburg or to Virginia Tech often after you had left?
Bob: Once. I think my wife was back for something, otherwise it took a while to
remember exactly when we came up. It was
00:55:002009, and did a variety of things andso forth. When you're that far away...
Ren: It's a long way.
Bob: Yeah, all the way across. And we also had nobody in our family, our
immediate family, our children had all left here for their jobs around the
country and had been a lot of different places before they settled down. So it
might have been different for us if our children had all stayed in the general
area or whatever else. We might not have even left to go take the other job, but
anyway, yeah. [Chuckles]
Ren: What would you like people to know about Virginia Tech that they may not know?
Bob: Well, I think kind of back to what we were talking about, the
00:56:00reputation ofthe institution and the knowledge about it and all that is that more and more
people are becoming aware that it's a really strong fine institution. But I
think to some extent the people didn't know that. You have others around the
country have that reputation, and I think we're still gaining that reputation
here, but I don't think that it's as widely known and as strong. But I think
it's a whole lot better now, and as I move back to the other part of the country
and all that they are much more aware. And you know, kind of interestingly, when
we got into the big time in football, I mean that gave us an awareness.
Because you hear the name of
00:57:00the institution, even though it's about thefootball and not about the good program in some area.
Ren: Right.
Bob: But you know, there's a whole lot of people out there that have pretty good
football reputations that are not as good an institution as we are here. And it
takes time for people to learn that.
Ren: The last couple of questions here, and thank you for being so generous with
your time and speaking with us today, I really appreciate it. As someone who was
a professor here and associate dean and dean as we mentioned, you raised a
family here, you spent many years in Blacksburg, myself I'm trying to raise a
family also in this area, what does Virginia Tech mean to you?
Bob: You know, that's a good question. I have an
00:58:00incredible amount of pride inthis institution, and not being a student here and my association and my pride
has come after I came here to work. I think it's absolutely high quality, should
be fully respected and even more if people knew more about that. I think you get
into the, I mean the University of Virginia has a long legacy in their own right
for lots of reasons, but I think that, and it's kind of the same thing in the
State of Washington, that the University of Washington they are higher on the
ranks of all the things, but WSU is not very far
00:59:00behind. Probably if you want tosay it that way I think Virginia Tech is probably better in a whole lot of areas
than Virginia, but Virginia is really a high quality institution, and our
youngest daughter got her bachelor's degree there.
Ren: Oh wow, okay.
Bob: Our oldest daughter got her degree at William & Mary, and our son after
being accepted to the Naval Academy and places like that, and he was not going
to go to this institution that he grew up in this town and all this kind of
stuff, and when he came down he said, "I'm going to Virginia Tech and I don't
want to hear about it." [Chuckles] Yeah. Then he had an absolutely incredible
career here and all of that, and education, so a lot of pride, a lot of pride
about this institution. And that bothers some of them. I obviously have a lot of
connection with
01:00:00Washington State University at a low level and a high level, butI think it's a really great institution here.
Ren: Yeah. Thank you.
Bob: One story of my life, we didn't kind of go around in that direction, but
that was when Derring Hall, and I was doing all this and I was doing my research
and all of that, but also being the dean in the same building, we moved out of
the building before I left. That was in 1996. That was when the modular building
was put in the middle of the quad. Did you ever see that?
Ren: No, I don't think so.
Bob: Well, right in the middle of the upper
01:01:00quad. It was right in the middle, toget our administrative people out so that that space could be used for research
and so forth.
Ren: Okay, now I remember.
Bob: It's not too long that they, maybe just two or three years now since they
tore it down as they started to take down the old dorms to renew them. So we
moved up there to do that, so people had different names for it, the trailers or
whatever else, which then ended serving in that role for the College of Arts &
Sciences' main office for I don't know, 18 years or something like that, when it
was supposed to be a temporary thing before something else was done.
Ren: Right.
Bob: So one of the fun things we had was it was called the Base Motel. We had
this thing, this light-up thing like a motel sign, the old style,
01:02:00on thebuilding. It would light up and do all this kind of stuff and so everybody
referred to it, 'Over there at Base Motel.' This came out again when we were
doing the pre-parties for the game this Saturday. So when I was recruited to go
back to Washington State University as provost they of course didn't want me to
go and I was betwixt and between, and we had that plaque, a lit-up neon thing.
It says Base Motel and somebody lit it up, and No Vacancy. So when we finally
accepted the job they put tape over the No Vacancy and put Vacancy next to it.
They had to fix it up, so
01:03:00we had some fun too.01:03:02
Ren: I had forgot about that, because I remember it when you bring that up now,
the modular, because I remember going there to have some paperwork signed as an
undergrad. Now my office is in Shanks Hall, but I remember going there now as an undergrad.
Bob: Anyway, we had some fun too.
Ren: The last question, is there anything that I didn't ask that you want to say
or just kind of an open floor? I appreciate you being so generous with your
time. I know you have a lot of people that want to see you and take your time.
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Bob: I was just trying to think of some things, let me just roll through my head
a bit.
Ren: It's
01:04:00a long career for sure at this university.Bob: Yeah. I'm sure I'll think of some things.
Ren: We can add.
Bob: I think we covered it pretty well in a lot of ways.
Ren: I'm not sure what title to refer to you as. I'll just say Dr. Bates thank
you so much for your time.
Bob: It's always Bob. I always made the graduate students, you know, some of
them just couldn't, they just had to say, 'Dr. Bates' but that's where I felt
like we were in it together, and not so hierarchal that your title is over the
top of the other... So yeah.
Ren: Bob Bates. I'll go with that. Thank you so much sir. I appreciate it.
Bob: All right. Yeah. I enjoyed this.
01:05:00Thank you. 01:06:00