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00:00:00 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LASH: Cool, okay, so I’m just going to start with some basic questions. Can you tell us your name, place of birth, and about, like, your family and where you were raised?

Segment Synopsis: Sutphin gives a brief overview of his background, including where he grew up and information about his parents.

Keywords: childhood; family

00:01:45 - Self-identification / Coming out

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LASH: Cool, okay, so how would you say you identify yourself?

SUTPHIN: I identify as gay. Is that what you’re looking for? Or do you want, like broader than that like middle class or something?

LASH: [Laughter] No, just related to the project. So when you were growing up in the Williamsburg area, were you out in high school or was that something that happened more when you came to Tech?

Segment Synopsis: Sutphin discusses coming out in high school to his friends and family.

Keywords: coming out; high school; self-identification

00:06:04 - Community and support at Virginia Tech

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Partial Transcript: LASH: And when you got here in 2002 was there a large gay community, like LGBT support?

SUTPHIN: Yeah, so when I first came, my freshman year, when I first started in college, my biggest social support actually came from my hallmates. I lived in Thomas Hall. At the time it was all male and it wasn’t a cadet dorm.

Segment Synopsis: Sutphin discusses coming to Virginia Tech and the support he found from classmates.

Keywords: LGBTQ community; LGBTQ support

00:07:13 - Protesting Change to Virginia Tech's Non-Discrimination Policy

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Partial Transcript: There was a controversy because the Virginia Tech Board of Visitors removed sexual orientation from the non-discrimination policy. And there was a whole series of protests and I went to this one big protest in front of Buruss Hall, so after that I got really excited about being involved. For like background, there was a faculty member, Shelli Fowler, who, they didn’t approve her…

Segment Synopsis: Sutphin discusses his involvement in protesting the Board of Visitors' non-discrimination policy.

Keywords: Board of Visitors; LGBTA; protests

00:08:47 - LGBTA and Freedom to Marry Day

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Partial Transcript: SUTPHIN: And then I became the office manager for the LGBTA and during that time I organized in 2004 the Freedom to Marry Day—

LASH: You mentioned that—

00:09:45 - SafeWatch and the Give a Damn Campaign / LGBTA continued

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LASH: you helped start the Safe Watch?

SUTPHIN: Yeah, so when I was president in 2005, we started a campaign, we called it the “Give a Damn” campaign—

Segment Synopsis: Sutphin continues discussing his involvement in the LGBTA, such as starting up SafeWatch with the "Give a Damn" Campaign.

Keywords: LGBTA; SafeWatch

00:12:09 - Working at Virginia Tech

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Partial Transcript: LASH: But so, you were also a Collegiate Times writer, correct?

SUTPHIN: Yeah, I was the—I started out as a staff writer for the Collegiate Times, and then over the summer I became the News Editor. And then there was an opening for News Editor that fall because someone left, so I was the News Editor. The fall of my senior year. And then we split up the News Editor position, and there were multiple News Editor positions, and I became the City Editor. So I covered everything off campus that happened, so, Blacksburg. I went to the town council meetings and now I’m on the town council.

Segment Synopsis: Sutphin discusses his work as a reporter and editor at the Collegiate Times, career opportunities after graduation, and joining Virginia Tech in the communications department of the College of Agriculture and of the vet med school.

Keywords: Vet School; communications; journalism

00:14:10 - Blacksburg Town Council

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Partial Transcript: LASH: Gotcha. That’s pretty cool. Yeah, so, obviously now you’re on town council. So while I was—we do research on you guys, not to be creepy

SUTPHIN: Mmm hmm. You Googled me?

LASH: Just a little bit. But yeah, I thought it was really interesting, when I was reading about when you ran in 2013, correct?

SUTPHIN: Uh, 2011

Segment Synopsis: Sutphin discusses how he got interested in local government and his election to the Blacksburg Town Council.

Keywords: Blacksburg Town Council; local government

00:18:38 - Supreme Court Decision and Same-Sex Partner Benefits

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Partial Transcript: SUTPHIN: But thankfully, after the Supreme Court kind of non-decision recently, those problems have all been fixed.

LASH: Yeah, which is awesome.

SUTPHIN: It was within a couple days that the town of Blacksburg started offering same-sex partner benefits. So, similar to Virginia Tech, did the same thing.

Segment Synopsis: Sutphin discusses how the Supreme Court decision affected how Blacksburg handles same-sex partner benefits.

00:20:23 - Equality Virginia

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Partial Transcript: LASH: [Laughter] So, can you tell us more about your work with Equality Virginia?

SUTPHIN: Yeah, sure. So I joined in 2010. So I lost my race in 2009 because there were too many people running. There were ten people on the ballot for like three and a half seats. I could explain—

Segment Synopsis: Sutphin discusses his involvement in EqualityVA, including the advocacy issues of the group. He discusses how advocacy and acceptance has changed in the state and country.

Keywords: Equality Virginia; LGBTQ advocacy

00:26:14 - LGBTQ community in Blacksburg and at Virginia Tech

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Partial Transcript: LASH: So after—obviously the transition from being on campus to being in the Blacksburg community, is there an LGBTQA community in Blacksburg? Or does it kind of tie into the one on campus?

Segment Synopsis: Sutphin discusses organizations that have developed since he left Virginia Tech and how they connect to members of the Blacksburg community. He also talks about places in Blacksburg that is supportive of the LGBT community.

Keywords: LGBTA; LGBTQ community

00:30:01 - Activities on Blacksburg Town Council

Play segment

Partial Transcript: LASH: But yeah, so, you’ve talked about all these different things that you’re involved in, and is there a primary community that you would associate yourself with? Do you, like, first and foremost associate yourself with the LGBT community?

SUTPHIN: Probably, yeah. I would say that. I think I’ve become broader in my associations, such as in running for Town Council.

Segment Synopsis: Sutphin talks about his work on the Blacksburg Town Council, including the Metropolitan Planning Organization, Blacksburg Partnership, and assorted committees. He also discusses how he divides his time between the town council and work at Virginia Tech.

Keywords: Blacksburg Town Council; Virginia Tech

00:37:00 - Roanoke Times Article

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Partial Transcript: SUTPHIN: So the Roanoke Times called me and they wanted to do this story about how I was the first openly gay person in the area who’d been elected. I was like, okay. So they interviewed me to do this story, and they also send out a photographer to get some photos of me, and these photos were not very good. I was wearing flannel—I didn’t have much notice. So I was wearing flannel and I’m in front of the town hall and the, like, lighting is really bad, and I’m in front of those white statues.

Segment Synopsis: Sutphin discusses being the first openly gay man on the Blacksburg Town Council, the article about his election in the Roanoke Times, and reactions from the community.

00:39:47 - Conclusion / Wrap up about opinions and experiences

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Partial Transcript: LASH: So is there anything that, for you, has been really important for shaping how you’ve identified with the LGBT community, or just your view of being gay in general?

Segment Synopsis: Sutphin wraps up about how his experiences being out differ from others' and affect his outlook and opinions. He also gives advice to those struggling with their sexuality and coming out.

Keywords: conclusion