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00:00:00 - Introduction

Play segment

Partial Transcript: Tamara Kennelly: Today is March 26, 2015. My name is Tamara Kennelly, and I'm with Luther Brice. This is our second interview.

Segment Synopsis: Introduction to the second interview with Luther Kennedy Brice, Jr.

00:00:14 - Approach to teaching students

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KENNELLY: You received two very prestigious awards at Virginia Tech. In 1961, you received the university's Wine Award, which recognizes a history of university teaching excellence, and in 1966, you were the first recipient of the newly established Sporn Award for excellence in teaching introductory subjects. Nominations for this award are made by students. I wondered if you would please talk about your theory of teaching and your approach to teaching students.

Segment Synopsis: Talks about his approach to teaching

Keywords: teaching

00:03:45 - Brice's disciples

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KENNELLY: One of the letters from your students talks about Brice's disciples. What did he mean by that?

BRICE: [Laughter] I think it was in the sixties when we started an honors chemistry program where freshmen could sign up for an advanced placement course.

Segment Synopsis: Talks about the a group of students from the honors chemistry program

00:05:31 - Getting to know students

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KENNELLY: There are several letters that I've read from students that you had, talking about your teaching and how they did go on professionally many of them in chemistry because of that. There was one student who became a medical doctor, and he mentions what he calls your peopleology, an ability to connect with students. Another former students mentions in a letter that he never spoke in a class of a 125 students and that he hadn't introduced himself privately to you, but that when he and his roommate went to your office to talk to you to find out about their grades that you addressed them by name and that you knew their grades.

Segment Synopsis: Discusses various interactions with students and how he was able to remember them and their names.

Keywords: peopleology; students; teaching

00:12:18 - Take it Twice Brice

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KENNELLY: I read a newspaper article that said you had the nickname "take it twice Brice."

BRICE: That started out about the second or the third year that I was here. I went in the auditorium to pick up exam papers, and there was still a number of students in the class, but a fair number had left. Written across the blackboard in big capital letters were the words "It's nice to take it twice, or even thrice with Brice." [laughter].

Segment Synopsis: Describes earning the nickname "Take it Twice Brice"

Keywords: nicknames; retirement; students; teaching

00:15:14 - Iodine clock reaction William Tell Overture

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KENNELLY: Would you tell about the episode when you played "Hearts and Flowers" for your physical chemistry class after a set of particularly bad test papers? Do you even recall that one, where you played it on your violin?

Segment Synopsis: Describes creation of the iodine clock demonstration synced to the William Tell Overture

Keywords: chemistry; music; teaching

00:20:48 - Chemical magic show

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KENNELLY: Last time you talked about the chemical magic show you gave to both Mrs. Ogliaruso's second grade class and also to a packed house of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, D.C. I wondered if you'd tell us about the beginnings of doing these magic shows, and what set that off.

Segment Synopsis: Describes creation of the chemical magic show, its popularity and reach

Keywords: Chemistry Club; chemistry; performing; teaching

00:24:47 - Serving as department chair

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KENNELLY: Then you worked for a while, towards the end of your tenure at Virginia Tech, I think you were also the department chair.

BRICE: I was the department chair for just one year. This was early in 1964/1965. It was the point at which the department head had retired, and there was a year before they hired another permanent full time department head. They asked me to act as the department head during that interim. So I was acting department head.

Segment Synopsis: Talks about his time as chair of the Chemistry Department

Keywords: Chemistry Department

00:26:03 - Sailing

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KENNELLY: Lets see, now you had your own sloop.

BRICE: Yes, it was an eighteen-foot sloop, correct. Out at Claytor Lake.

KENNELLY: The Molly Qule?

Segment Synopsis: Describes his love of sailing and the experience of teaching students to sail

Keywords: sailboats; sloop; teaching

00:29:33 - Visiting Blacksburg and Virginia Tech after moving away

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KENNELLY: Do you come back to Blacksburg and Virginia Tech very often?

BRICE: Oh yes every year without exception.

KENNELLY: What brings you back?

BRICE: I still have friends and colleagues that I keep in touch with and come down and visit.

Segment Synopsis: Talks about the experience of returning to Blacksburg and Virginia Tech over the years and his view of Virginia Tech in 2014

00:30:58 - Closing

Play segment

Partial Transcript: KENNELLY: Is there anything else you'd like to add?

BRICE: I can't think of anything.

KENNELLY: Or anything that I didn't ask you about?

BRICE: No, I think we covered a lot.

Segment Synopsis: Closing of the interview with Luther Kennedy Brice, Jr.